

Author: Emmanuella Lumene
Date: 24th, October 2023



A passion you haven’t yet spent enough time discovering will remain in its dormant state because you haven’t leveraged on the potentials that lies within it. The following are some pointers that will help you discover your passion is;


1) What do you enjoy and feel at peace doing?

We all have things that we enjoy doing that give us a sense of joy, peace, happiness and fulfillment. Its important that you are observant and pay keen attention towards the things you enjoy because they will point you to your passion.


2) What do you have passion for?

Often times, we are all driven towards activities that are in line with our passion. We find ourselves wanting to be a part of events, activities or movements that are aligned with what we have passion for and our active fulfillment in them makes us feel fulfilled.  Those activities or things you love being a part of will point you to your passion.


3) Where do you produce the best results?

We all have areas of strengths that enable us produce the best results and the areas where you produce the best results are pointers to what you are passionate about.


4) What do people see in you and what do they want to help you with?

Don’t be too quick to disregard or ignore what people say about you. We all have heard people at one point or another tell us how good we are in a particular area and at times we have a lot of people come in to help us achieve certain projects we do because they believe in us and in what we do.


5) What thought or dream never leaves you?

If you have been having one particular idea, dream or though recurrently for a long time that you haven’t started working towards, you may just be ignoring and not paying attention to your passion.


6) What are you angry about?

What’s the one thing that you hear about that makes you angry and makes you want to find a solution to it. Could it be injustice, poverty e.t.c. take not of what problems around you make you angry they are pointers to your passion.


7) What can you give 100% of your life too and do it with so much joy even though no body is paying you for it?

This is another great pointer to your passion because when you are passionate about something, you no longer see it as work, you enjoy doing it and you can do it for the rest of your life even without anyone paying you for it.


8) What have you been liberated from?

We have all done things in the past that we were not proud but the mercies of God liberated and delivered us from them. We were liberated so that we can use our stories to liberate and bless others too. Out of your pains can grow out a passion to help others that are going through what you were once delivered from.