Abandunt Life Creation.

God’s input matters in everything we do


Welcome to Abundant Life Creation

Many of us youths are at a cross road in life where we find ourselves struggling with identity crisis, we don’t know what we want out of life and even though we know what we want out of life, we do not know how to go about it.

As youths, we all have strong desires within us of wanting to be wealthy, have meaningful friendships, relationships, good health, a successful career, business and have a personal relationship with God.  We find ourselves focusing more on developing and growing one area of our lives whilst neglecting the rest and as a result we constantly find ourselves feeling unfulfilled, incomplete and empty.

I believe many of us youths know that we were created for greatness but the situations around us don’t seem to reflect the great future we believe we were created for and this results in us constantly battling with negative mindset, low self-esteem and find it hard to overcome life’s challenges.

There are certain desires of our heart that God can’t give to us because we haven’t yet grown to become the kind of person that can effectively manage and maintain what we desire. Before God gave mankind dominion, He first created him in his image and likeness. This entails that we can only function in dominion and effectively manage and maintain all that God blesses us with when we know our identity in Christ and discover the purpose we are meant to fulfill here on earth.


God’s desire for us as youths and all humanity is for us to prosper in all things (spiritual life, mindset, academics, friendships, relationships, emotions, finances, business, family life) and experience a life of abundance. However, for this to happen, there is a role God has to play and there is a role we have to play. 

Our role is to be intentional about discovering Gods mind concerning our life, understanding and obeying the principles that He has set and taking the necessary action steps to grow, develop and align ourselves with His will and purpose for our lives.

Hence, Abundant Life Creation focuses on awakening, teaching, coaching, empowering and mentoring the youths to become intentional about partnering with God as they pursue personal growth and development in all areas of their lives. 

Different blogs will be shared on this site that will help the youths discover who they are, their purpose, hidden abilities, potentials, gifts, talents as well as share principles that will help them refine and maximize their potentials so that they can be a blessing to their generations, glorify God and live a fulfilled and meaningful life.

As we journey on this path of becoming creators of  a life of Abundance, it is my prayer that you will be intentional about acting on the knowledge shared on this Website and share your testimonials with us on how this vision will help you.

With Love from Your Coach
Emmanuella Lumene.


Our Vision

Raising an empowered and enlightened generation of youths that are awakened to their creative abilities and are intentional creators of a life of Abundance according to God’s purpose.

Our Mission

Awakening youths to rediscover who they are (Identity), Why they were created (Purpose), what they have (Abilities and potentials), how they can partner with God and help them maximize their abilities and potentials through teaching, coaching, counselling, mentorship and prayer.

Our Core Values

Below is a quick overview of our core values:

  • God’s input matters in every decision we want to take.
  • Treat others how we want to be treated.
  • Empower and serve the youths with understanding, generosity, love, empathy and brilliance.
  • We achieve more by partnering with God and working together as a team.
  • We build trust through honest relationships
  • Each of us is accountable for our actions, words and results