

Author: Emmanuella Lumene
Date: 27th, October 2023



Your temperament or personality type is a combination of inborn traits that subconsciously affect your behavior. There are basically four types of temperaments which include

  •  Sanguine
  • Choleric
  • Melancholy
  • Phlegmatic

These temperaments are further categorized into two group. These include;

  • Extroverts: comprising of  Sanguine and Choleric
  • Introverts : Comprising of Melancholy and Phlegmatic.

Knowing your Temperament (Personality type) not only helps you become more self aware of your strengths and weaknesses, it can also play a very huge role in helping you maximize and make the best out of your passion .

Everyone is passionate about something but many people don’t know how to maximize their passion because they don’t really know their temperament (Personality) and how they can use it to help them produce results in areas that they are passionate about. Take for instance; There are people that find it easy to freely express themselves and communicate their opinions and ideas before others.  They may not even have their facts right but because of  how confident, expressive and articulate they are, they can easily convince you into buying into their ideas.


There is also a category of people that easily rise up to the occasion whenever there is a need for someone to step up and lead others. They are so good with delegating work, communicating a vision and carrying people along with them to achieve any major task. Another category is that of people that are very detailed oriented. They take out time to know the facts, weigh the risks and benefits of something before embarking on it and these are the type of people you wouldn’t like to get in a debate or argument with because they will present to you all the proof they have to support their claims. And finally there is a category of people that are often reserved, calm and like to keep to themselves. They may be knowledgeable about something but they find it hard to fully express their ideas and views to others.


If one of the categories I shared above resonates with you and speaks to something you have observed about yourself then you are off on a great start because you are aware of a particular trait in your personality and as a result, you can easily merge your personality with your passion.


Let's imagine in the near future, you want to raise awareness to the youths about mental health and one of the ways you intend to achieve it is to have talks with children of different age groups. If you fall in the category of people whose strengths are that you are outspoken and find it easy to express your opinion and you can lead others well, delegate work and carry others along with you in achieving the goals you set, then in this case,  public speaking is something that will be easy for you because your passion for bringing mental health awareness not only creates a platform for you to express your ideas, beliefs and the knowledge you have acquired on the subject matter but you are able to merge it with a trait in your personality that will enable you stand before others and express yourself so well that it will benefit of those hearing you.


However, if your weakness is that you get too excited each time you have an idea and you quickly jump into implementing it without spending time to count the cost, identify the risk benefit and set an action plan around it. Then you will always get to a point where you find yourself in the middle of a project but you a stuck because you don’t have all the resources need to achieve it to the fullest. The best way you can deal with this is to find someone who is detailed oriented and has a wide and broad perspective to join your team and  help you set up strategic systems that will enable you produce results and this person will be your strength in the area that you are weak in.


Isn't God wonderful! He made us all uniquely in such a way that we will all need each other. How helpful was this blog? Take sometime and evaluate yourself, how do you think you can merge your personality with your business, carrier, vision and ministry.