

Author: Emmanuella Lumene
Date: 21st, February 2024



Majority of the people would be more inclined to answer the first question (What would you attempt to do if you knew you wouldn’t fail? )because the question inspires them to dream bigger and everyone loves to talk about their dreams and goals. Whereas, most people aren’t prepared to answer the second question (What do you learn when you fail?) because we aren’t comfortable sharing  their failures, mistakes and shortcomings to others.


Growing up, I heard a lot of people say, “ strong people don’t open up about their  struggles, short comings, mistakes and failures. Only the weak go about doing that because they want to gain simpathy from others.”  I for one took those words as gospel truth and I used to find it hard to open up to anyone about my struggles, failures, mistakes and shortcomings because I never wanted to show the world that I was a weakling.


What even made it worse was the fact that I draded the idea of admitting my own failures, mistakes and shortcoming to myself because I believed in my little mind that successful people don’t fail or have flaws. And now that I think about it, its kind of funny that I thought that way once. Anyway, I used to make all kinds of excuses to justfy the actions I took that got me the results I got and the irony of it all was the fact that I was trying to build a perfect life without making mistakes instead of admitting my shortcomings and learning from my failures and mistakes.


I believe many of us can relate to this because we all have the habit of brushing off our failures and throwing them under the rags because we are trying so hard to paint a perfect picture before others and hide our flaws at all costs. However, one thing I have come to learn over the years, is that as you journey through life, there are times when the journey will be smooth and you will make some epic wins whereas, there will also be times when things will be rough and you will make epic losses.


What differentiates those that are successful from the majority that aren’t is the fact that their approach towards loosing or failing is different from the majority. People that are successful don’t try to brush off their failures, run away from them or have a negative attitude towards them. Instead they understand that some of the greatest leasons that they can gain in life are from their failures, mistakes and shortcomings and as a result they don’t count they loses as failures but lessons to learn from that will enable them gain more momentum and  enable them increase their capacity.


When you take time to read about the 10 most successful people in the world, one thing they all have in common is that they all at some point in their lives failed at something but what set them apart from us is how they didn’t allow their failures define them and how quick they were at getting back up and using the lessons they learnt from their failures as stepping stones to success.


So the next time you fail at something ask yourself what have you have learnt from the failure and  how can you use the wisdom you gained from the experience to help you get better at what you do.