

Namoya R Nkombo

Hello Everyone,

My name is Namoya R Nkombo, I am in the youth executive for GOD’S HOUSE YOUTH Ministry as the trustee in charge of drama & dance. This is how Emmanuella Lumene & Abundant Life Creation has impacted my life last we hosted them. Three things stood out for me.

1. Spiritual growth
2. Peer preasure
3. Not giving up

I am glad to say I have been intentional about my Spiritual growth, I handle pressure and faliure quite differently. I also suffered mild depression from failing math at Grade 12, I sat for GCE failed and passed it on the third attempt. This tore me because my friends went ahead of me to University.

But after Emmanuella, I am changed person. I am intentional about me and not letting faliure define me nor do I allow the past stop me.


Dorcas Musalwa shilo

Hi everyone,

This is my story on how Emmanuella Lumene & Abundant Life Creation have impacted my life from having hosted them on the last two occasions.

My name is Dorcas Musalwa Shilo, I am an active member of GOD’S HOUSE YOUTH Ministry. Previously, I suffered from insecurities; that were as a result of inferiority complex. This is because while in school and young, I was constantly mocked for my outlook and complexion.

Because of this, I felt the need to always be validated by people for selfworth. I suffered these problems constantly. Further, I was shy and afraid to associate with anything related to Jesus, I neither wanted to talk or identify with him for fear of being mocked.

But! After Emmanuella's visit, I am changed, she helped me see my worth and the importance of talking about Jesus. I am not fully there, I however have courage to discuss about Jesus and am no longer ashamed or bothered by peoples opinions about how I look.

I am grateful to God about what his done through Emmanuella.


Imbidi Mbashila

Hello Everyone

I first got to know Emmanuella Lumene through her brother Joshua Lumene who happens to be a dear friend since 2014 (story for another day). Lucky enough, they stayed in one boarding house in university. I often visited Joshua during my semester breaks. This gave the opportunity to meet Emmanuella and interact with her. Her cooking always made me look forward to visiting every weekend. It soon became a habit for me, especially after I started loving the ministry of Wiseman Ambrose founder of Oasis of Grace Ministries.

However, the eating reduced because now, Emmanuella took a journey with God. This for me drew me even close to her, I wanted to witness her transformation and be a part of it. She fasted, she prayed, I had not seen this before, not the fasting and praying; but! Witnessing the whole process and vividly seeing the transformation she was going through. This too, began to change me as well, I was not fasting, but witnessing her transformation began to change me and my perception of who she was and what transformation I needed to go through myself.

Soon, she completed and moved and now, I interacted and saw her less. I completed too, I kept communicating, not frequent though. At this time, the Lumene's for me and my brothers became family. When I got my first Job. I remember having a hard time reconciling my needs and emotions, I dearly needed someone to talk to, a first born who would understand what I was dealing with. Quickly, I remembered I knew someone in my immediate circle. How could I forget? I called Emmanuella, I opened and poured my issues, like an older sister, she brought me home.

This conversation defined in me my perception to stop looking at her simply as a sister. Emmanuella became my couch and counselor, I would onward keep running to her for those older sister and couch talks once a while. She would council me and couch me. My relationship with Emmanuella is one of older sister, young brother and Mentor/Mentee kind, but one important aspect is the friendship born from the respect I have shared with her.

Given the resources I would buy her new book "DEAR YOUTH: THERE IS MORE TO YOU", for all of you, her latest work as founder of Abundant Life Creation. Among the three books I read LAST month I would recommend it 3 times out of five recommendations.